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    Wee Ball and Tee Ball are non-competitive programs focused on fun, fitness, and fundamentals where players ages 4-7 are first introduced to the basics baseball and softball. Maryville Little League strives to provide an experience focused on teaching the fundamentals of the game in a fun environment while incorporating a high level of physical activity.


    Maryville Little League has opportunities for online and limited in person events from which they may register players. In order to participate, a player must live within or attend school within a league’s boundaries. Waivers are available in some situations for players outside Blount County, contact MLL for more details to see if you qualify for a waiver. At registration, plan to bring documentation showing that your child lives or attends school within that league’s boundaries.  MLL does charge a registration fee to participate in the program. However, there are programs that can assist for players to participate in certain situations. This fee goes to help offset the expenses of operating the program for your league such as uniforms, equipment, field maintenance, etc. Registration fees will vary by division.

All special requests - Needs to be completed in the notes section of registration at time of registration. We will attempt to fulfill as many requests as possible but not guaranteed based on number/type of requests. (Jane Doe needs to be on a team with Janie Smith for transportation reasons, or John Doe and James Doe are siblings)

Required Equipment
MLL provides each player with a jersey and cap from your registration fee. 

Items required but not provided are : Bat, Batting Helmet, Glove, Cleats, Baseball Pants.

Team Placement
Teams will be put together around the first of March and you will be contacted by your child's coach regarding the information. The league will send an email when teams are finalized so that you can expect to receive information from the coach in the days following. We will not have any information on the team/coach until the beginning of March so please be assured that all registered players will be contacted once setup is completed.

1.Wee Ball games are held once per week on Saturdays and have a 50 minute time limit. These games do not have umpires and score is not kept.
2.Tee Ball games are held once per week on Saturdays (mostly) and have a 1 hour minute time limit. An Umpire(s) will be assigned to Tee Ball games. Please note       that umpires in Tee Ball are learning just as your player is learning so be respectful.
3. Practices are not scheduled by MLL and will be handled by your player's coaches. Due to field constraints practices are held at places other than the MLL fields.
4.Parents are strongly encouraged to stay at the field during Wee Ball and Tee Ball games and practices.

Volunteers are the backbone of Maryville Little League. Some common opportunities include coaching, team parent, score keeper, field work day, and more. We can always use more volunteers even if it's only for one day, or project. It takes many different skill sets to run a successful and rewarding program so please use your skills to support your child and community.

MLL will ask families to participate in a fundraiser to benefit the league. Fundraisers help leagues keep registration costs down
and provide resources for improvements to the league. MLL wants to ensure the Little League experience at the local level is affordable for all families, and no child may be turned away from participating due to financial reasons.

The Parent Connection newsletter is available on the Little League International website for free. All parents are encouraged to sign up to receive monthly news from Little League International.

Local Sponsors

Maryville Little League

Mailing Address: PO Box 4096 Maryville TN 37802, 1400 Sevierville Rd
Maryville, Tennessee 37804

Email: [email protected]

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